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3rd International Conference on Application of Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things in Management, Science and Technology

Date - 09th March 2025

Virtual Conference

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About Indian Academicians and Researchers Association (IARA)

Indian Academicians and Researchers Association (IARA) is an educational and scientific research organization of Academicians, Research Scholars and practitioners responsible for sharing information about research activities, projects and conferences to its members. IARA offers an excellent opportunity for networking with other members and exchange knowledge. It also takes immense pride in its services offerings to undergraduate and graduate students. Students are provided with opportunities to develop and clarify their research interests and skills as part of their preparation to become faculty members and researchers. Visit our website www.iaraedu.com for more details.

About The Conference

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of a machine to display human-like capabilities such as reasoning, learning, planning and creativity.AI enables technical systems to perceive their environment, deal with what they perceive, solve problems and act to achieve a specific goal. It perform human-like cognitive tasks, including the automation of physical processes such as manipulating and moving objects, sensing, perceiving, problem solving, decision making and innovation.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is typically defined as the ability of machines to perform human-like cognitive tasks, including the automation of physical processes such as manipulating and moving objects, sensing, perceiving, problem solving, decision making and innovation.

AI is currently viewed as the most important disruptive new technology. Artificial Intelligence expands the livelihood of every human with ease. It mainly helps the people who are visually impaired, deaf & dumb, and old age people. It is been widely used with the Internet of Things and making all the works much simpler and creating smart environments.

The ability to learn the convolutional methods of Artificial Intelligence brought many benefits to the Internet of Things (IoT). A new wave of IoT devices will bridge the gap between the physical and digital world to improve the quality and productivity of human life, society, and industries. The potential of AI and IoT is impacting all the sectors from making smart homes to launching a rocket. Research in this area is basically focused on the ability to develop intelligent systems capable of interacting with the devices among themselves without human intervention. A recent survey mentions that “IoT smart objects are expected to reach 314 billion entities deployed globally by the end of 2023”.AI provides businesses with unprecedented opportunities for designing intelligent products, devising novel service offerings, and inventing new business models and organizational forms. Technologies involving AI provide inestimable possibilities for enhancing people’s lives in a variety of areas including their homes, healthcare, education, employment, entertainment, safety and transportation. AI is not confined to one or a few applications, but rather is a pervasive economic, societal and organizational phenomenon. Similarly, AI provides businesses with unprecedented opportunities for designing intelligent products, devising novel service offerings and inventing new business models and organizational forms. But AI is not a technological panacea. Research in this area is basically focused on the ability to develop intelligent systems capable of interacting with the devices among themselves without human intervention. This International Conference on “Application of Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things on Management, Science and Technology” aims to bring together leading Academicians, Scientists, Researchers and Scholars to exchange and share their experiences, research results on all aspects of Internet of Things and AI. Researchers will present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered in artificial intelligence for IoT. This conference is to encourage and assist the professionals engaged in the above fields to maintain the integrity and competence of the profession, foster a sense of partnership amongst the International professionals.

Potential topics include but are not limited to:

Application of AI and IoT Technologies

  • AI in Human Resource Management
  • AI in Marketing
  • AI in Finance
  • AI in Organization
  • AI in Hospitality Management
  • AI in Education
  • AI in Media
  • AI in Office Management
  • AI in Sustainable Development
  • AI and IOT in Smart Cities
  • AI in Medical Applications
  • AI in Manufacturing
  • AI in Green Energy Management
  • AI in Industries
  • AI in Power Management
  • AI in Cyber Secruities
  • AI in Transportation
  • AI In HealthCare
  • AI In Gaming
  • AI In Space Exploration
  • AI In Chatbots
  • AI in Internet of Things
  • AI In Artificial Creativity
  • IoT and AI techniques for applications in Agriculture for sustainable development
  • AI-based and IoT-enabled Architecture development for smart waste management
  • IoT and AI in plant-bio electrochemical systems for managing sustainability
  • Machine learning and IoT-based environment monitoring systems for accurate risk predictions
  • Intelligent applications of deep learning in IoT data analytics for weather, air quality, and pollution control

  • Artificial Intelligence and IoT Technologies

  • Computational Intelligence
  • Image & Signal Processing
  • Integration of AI with other technologies
  • Deep learning techniques towards IoT
  • Data merging techniques for IoT
  • Trustworthy model design for IoT
  • Distributed and AI-based data analysis for IoT
  • AI-enabled Access Control Mechanism for Secured IoT
  • Deep learning techniques for identifying issues in IoT devices
  • Predictive, prescriptive, descriptive analytics for IoT device
  • Big data management techniques for rectifying IoT devices
  • Deep Learning model for IoT security
  • IoT communication protocols for sustainable smart cities
  • Cognitive resource management in IoT
  • Intelligent blockchain for sustainable cities
  • AI algorithms in the IoT Era
  • ML and mobile assisted public safety and emergency IoT
  • Intelligent 5G/6G communication for sustainable cities
  • Design and evaluation of IoT test beds, prototypes, and platforms
  • VLSI System Design
  • AI and Evolutionary Algorithms
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Decision Support Systems
  • Deep Learning and Applications
  • Soft computing theory and applications
  • Genetic Algorithms and Generative Models
  • IoT Architecture in 5G networks
  • AI Enabled IoT System & Applications
  • Intelligent Industrial IoT & Cloud Computing
  • IoT and Big Data Analytics
  • Challenges and future applicability of IoT and AI for smart sustainable cities
  • Environment impact assessment with IoT and AI for sustainable agriculture and natural resources
  • Novel policies, strategies and analysis for agricultural waste valorization based on AI and IoT
  • Impacts of AI and IoT devices with secure and scalable in empowering urban innovation for forecasting environmental conditions

  • Paper Submission Guidelines

  • Papers for publication must be in English and must be unpublished work.
  • The first page of the paper should contain title, name of the author, affiliation and an abstract followed by 4 to 5 keywords. The paper should not normally exceed 3000 - 5000 words.
  • Footnotes should be limited to explanatory purpose and kept to minimum. Tables and figures should be placed according to the text and should be numbered separately   and sequentially. Equations and formula should be written using equation editor and numbered at the right in parentheses.
  • All references should be alphabetically arranged and APA style should be followed.

  • Publication Opportunity

    The authors whose papers successfully pass the review process will be offered publication in our esteemed associated journals IJAIR-International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research [ISSN: 2394-7780]. (Free of cost)

    Also, a select number of papers will be chosen for publication in SCOPUS, Web of Science, ABDC, and UGC CARE-listed journals. In addition to this, we are currently in the process of acquiring special issues of highly regarded journals and conference proceedings that are indexed in Scopus and Web of Science. The intimation regarding this will be sent to all authors, once we receive approval from the publishers. Please be aware that the Article Processing Fee (APC) will be collected separately from authors and will vary depending on the chosen journal.

    ABDC Scopus Web of science UGC CARE


    Last Submission Date

    15th February 2025

    Acceptance Notification

    18th February 2025

    Conference Date

    09th March 2025

    Registration Process

    Step – 1: Send article for review in the word format.
    Step – 2: We will provide you acceptance with registration details.
    Step – 3: Send the signed registration form and payment screenshot.

    Download the Brochure

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